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Yukinari Arima (有馬 雪成Arima Yukinari?) is a member of Shishitoren.


Arima is a tall teenager with messy brown hair that is lopsided to the right side of his face, while leaving his left side shaved and sporting rough expressions. He dons the Shishitoren jacket over a white shirt.


Arima is an arrogant, smug, and violent teenager, reflecting the infamous stereotype of Shishitoren. A notable bully, he has no qualms about chasing a middle schooler on their turf as sport, all the while ridiculing his teammate who got beaten. Provocative and underhanded, Arima has no qualms about playing dirty to win. He is shown to be quite observant, as he instantly deduced Sugishita's devotion towards Umemiya and utilized it to distract him. Despite his cruelty, Arima genuinely cares for Kanuma, with the two being close friends.


Arima was friends with Kanuma since their younger years, with the two fighting and defending each other, which made them rise within Shishitoren.

When Sasaki was chasing a thief inadvertently ending on Shishitoren's turf, the middle schooler was chased by him, Kanuma, and Saruwatari on the latter's suggestion. As Sasaki attempted to return into Bofurin territory, Hiragi's entourage spotted him, who was patrolling. Before Sasaki was captured, Sakura and Sugishita jumped and kicked Saruwatari. Arima and Kanuma berated Saruwatari, with Togame coming soon after. As the situation rapidly escalated, Shishitoren retreated, promising reprisal.

Arima was present on their declaration of war towards Bofurin, with Arima offering to confront Sugishita, who was glaring at him.

On the day of the match in Shishitoren's "cage," Arima is the first to fight for Shishitoren against Sugishita. He instantly realizes that Sugishita is obsessed with Umemiya, faking concern for Umemiya to distract him, landing a cheap shot on Sugishita's face and berating him for not paying attention. Sugishita grabs him while glaring at him, angry that he did not refer to Umemiya with honorifics, and subsequently slams him into the ground, instantly defeating him and rendering him unconscious.

Two other Shishitoren members subsequently remove him, who ditch him aside. His defeat caused Kanuma to become irritated and unstable. When Kanuma was defeated, Arima woke up, expressing concern for his friend. Later, in the middle of Sakura and Togame's match, Sakura's words make Togame realize the events that occurred involving Sasaki and demand explanations from Arima and Kanuma. When they confirmed his suspicions on chasing Sasaki for fun, Togame proceeds to severely beat both of them and take their jumpers away for their dishonor.



Fighting Prowess: Arima is said to be a power fighter who is able to break the ribs of his opponents with his brute strength, which earned him an infamous reputation. Arima is also shown to be underhanded, distracting Sugishita to land a cheap shot that did have virtually no effect.


  • The name Arima means "possess, have, exist, occur, or approximately" (aru/ari?) and "horse" (ma?).
  • Arima's given name, Yukinari, means "snow" (yuki?) and "turn into, grow, reach, or elapse" (naru/nari?).



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 WIND BREAKER manga: Volume 4 — Chapter omake.

