Wind Breaker Wiki

Hi! I'm currently looking for active Administrators who are willing to help maintain and contribute to the wiki.

According to Fandom's User rights guide, an Administrator is given the following tools to help moderate the wiki:

  • All privileges from both the Content Moderator and Thread Moderator groups.
  • Block users from editing and other actions.
  • Grant and revoke the Rollback and Discussions Moderator rights.
  • Edit the community's skin and format.
  • Edit whitelisted MediaWiki pages.

In addition, I'm looking for the following qualities in Administrators:

  • Good writing ability
  • (Optional) Experience in maintaining a wiki

If you wish to contribute to the wiki but have limited knowledge on how Fandom works, I'm more than willing to guide you. Please contact me on my Message Wall if you, or anyone you know, is interested.
