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Mitsuki Kiryu (桐生三輝Kiryū Mitsuki?) is a first-year student at Furin High School and a member of Bofurin's Vaisravana Unit. He is considered to be one of the strongest of the first-year class[2].


Mitsuki Kiryu character image (Full body)

Kiryu's full body appearance

Kiryu has a somewhat effeminate appearance. He has mid-length pink hair, often swept back and held in place by a barrette. His eyebrows are pink, his eyes are green, and he has two piercings in his right eyebrow and another under his lower lip. He also has pierced ears, with earrings or various piercings. He is most often seen wearing Furin's uniform, though he lets his jacket fall over his arms, revealing a white shirt with geometric patterns in pink, blue, and yellow colors. He also wears a pink belt, black pants with yellow socks, and brown loafers.


Kiryu is a very calm and gentle young man, always displaying a slight smile. He seemingly never gets angry. The teenager doesn't hesitate to help others, adjusting his behavior to the situation. Kiryu can't stand those that underestimate and mistreat girls and finds traditional gender roles antiquated. He's pretty close to his phone and is a pretty assertive person. Above all, he hates outdated ways of thinking.



Haruka Sakura

Taiga Tsugeura

Initially, it is shown that, from Kiryu's perspective, the pair don't mix well at all. It's all owed to Tsugeura's loud, macho demeanor, which often imposes on others without intention. Kiryu uncharacteristically acts coldly towards his peer.

Akihiko Nirei



  • The name Kiryu means "Princess/Empress Tree (Paulowniaceae)" (kiri?) and "life, birth, or genuine" (ikiru?).
  • Kiryu's given name, Mitsuki, means "three" (mitsu?) and "radiance, sparkle, or shine" (ki?).



