- A Date?
- A Declaration of War
- A Gentleman (chapter)
- A Gentleman (episode)
- A Girl's Plea
- A New Classmate
- A New View
- A Place I Belong
- A Promise
- Absolute Authority
- Absolute Zero
- Admiration
- After Wavering
- After the Storm
- Akihiko Nirei
- Akihiko Nirei/Image Gallery
- Akihito Miyoshi
- Animal
- Assassin
- Baton
- Beyond Pain
- Bloom
- Bofurin
- By Your Side
- Cactus
- Café Pothos
- Calendar
- Chihiro Shakushi
- Chika Takiishi
- Chika Takiishi/Image Gallery
- Childhood Days
- Choji Tomiyama
- Clash (chapter)
- Clash (episode)
- Class Leader
- Coming Apart at the Seams
- Concern
- Conclusion
- Danger
- Dark Clouds
- Dialogue (chapter)
- Dialogue (episode)
- Discipline
- Discussion
- Dull, Humdrum Days
- Emergency Meeting
- Eve of the Fight
- Extreme Emotions
- Face-to-Face
- Fanatic
- Fate
- Fight to Win (chapter)
- Fight to Win (episode)
- Flash
- For a Friend (chapter)
- For a Friend (episode)
- Furin High School
- Fury
- Genji Sugichi
- Get-Together
- God of War
- Good Old Days
- Gravel
- Grounds for Strength
- Guide
- Hajime Umemiya
- Hajime Umemiya's Ambition Arc
- Hajime Umemiya's Ambition Arc 2
- Hajime Umemiya's Childhood Days
- Hajime Umemiya's Childhood Days 2
- Hajime Umemiya's Childhood Days 3
- Hajime Umemiya/Image Gallery
- Hajime Umemiya (chapter)
- Hansuke Tone
- Haruka Sakura
- Haruka Sakura/Image Gallery
- Hating Myself
- Hayato Suo
- Hayato Suo/Image Gallery
- Hidden Feelings
- Higher I'll Go
- Ideals and Reality
- Improvement
- Introduction arc
- Jien Yanagida
- Jo Togame
- Joy
- Junpei Kurita
- KEEL (chapter)
- KEEL arc
- Kaito Obiki
- Kanji Nakamura
- Kanon Banjo
- King of the Jungle
- Kota Sako
- Kotoha Tachibana
- Kotoha Tachibana/Image Gallery
- Kyosuke Masuda
- Kyotaro Sugishita
- Kyotaro Sugishita/Image Gallery
- Kyotaro Sugishita vs Yukinari Arima (chapter)
- Life-or-Death
- List of chapters
- List of characters
- List of minor characters
- Makochi
- Masaki Anzai
- Minoru Kanuma
- Mio Tsuchiya
- Mitsuki Kiryu
- Moment of Flux
- Monster
- Motoki Azusawa
- Muscle & Gentle
- Muscle Power
- Muteki
- My Prince
- Nagato
- Naïveté
- Neo Shimada
- New Classmate
- Night Street
- Noroshi
- Noroshi (chapter)
- Noroshi arc
- One Step
- Orion Stars
- Partners
- Past
- Pleasure
- Proof of Humanity
- Rage
- Raging Lion
- Re:Start
- Reason Behind the Rage
- Rebellion
- Reborn
- Ren Kaji
- Ren Kaji/Image Gallery
- Ren Kaji (chapter)
- Renji Kaga
- Repaying the Favor
- Resolve
- Resolve (Chapter 107)
- Revelation
- Risa
- Rise to Action
- Ritsu Otowa
- Roar
- Roar (Chapter 123)
- Roppo-Ichiza
- Roppo-Ichiza / Gravel arc
- Rush
- Saku Mizuki
- Sakura / Tsubakino arc
- Sakura and Furin (chapter)
- Sakura and Furin (episode)
- Salvation
- Saruwatari
- Sasaki
- Satoru Nii
- Savior
- Seiryu Sakaki
- Seitaro Tarumi
- Senkan shipyard
- Setting the Score
- Shall We Dance?
- Shared Beliefs
- Shared Frontlines
- Shingo Natori
- Shishitoren
- Shishitoren (chapter)
- Shishitoren arc
- Shizuka Narita
- Shock Wave
- Shogo Hidaka
- Shuhei Suzuri
- Shuhei Suzuri/Image Gallery
- Shuji Hashirao
- Shyu Kirishima
- Sisters
- Spark
- Spark (Chapter 85)
- Special Training
- Step On Up
- Story arcs
- Strategy Meeting
- Strength for Another
- Succeeding the Past
- Taiga Tsugeura
- Taishi Mogami
- Takeru Kongo
- Takeshi Enomoto
- Takumi Momose
- Target
- Tasuku Tsubakino
- Teamwork
- Tenjin Shimada
- Teruomi Inugami
- That Which We Protect
- The Abyss
- The Battle Concludes
- The Dance of Rapture
- The Dependable One
- The Four Kings
- The Gathered Fighters
- The Great Fires of Extinction
- The Guardian of the Night
- The Hero of My Dreams (chapter)
- The Hero of My Dreams (episode)
- The Lawless One
- The Lion's Strike
- The Man Who Stands at the Top (chapter)
- The Man Who Stands at the Top (episode)
- The Moment Longed For
- The Night Patrollers
- The Opponent's True Power
- The Place I Want to Protect
- The Senpai's Teachings
- The Setting Sun
- The Shadows
- The Sun Rises Again
- The Takedown
- The Top vs The Top
- The Value of Love
- The Way of the Fist
- Three Brave Men
- Timeline
- Tochimoto
- Toma Hiragi
- Toma Hiragi/Image Gallery
- Tonpu Market Street
- Tried and True
- True Target
- Tsubaki
- Tsukasa Takanashi
- Umemiya's Backstory arc
- Umemiya's Style (chapter)
- Umemiya's Style (episode)
- Uninvited Guest
- Uryu Sakaki
- Values
- Visiting His House
- Visiting the Sick
- Volume 1
- Volume 10
- Volume 11
- Volume 12
- Volume 13
- Volume 14
- Volume 15
- Volume 16
- Volume 17
- Volume 18
- Volume 2
- Volume 3
- Volume 4
- Volume 5
- Volume 6
- Volume 7
- Volume 8
- Volume 9
- Vow to Follow (chapter)
- Vow to Follow (episode)
- WIND BREAKER Original Soundtrack
- Wake Up
- War
- War Dance
- Wataru Shiina
- Welcome Back
- What Must Be Done
- What Should've Been
- Wind Breaker (anime)
- Wind Breaker (manga)
- Wind Breaker Wiki
- Wrath
- Yamato Endo
- Yodai Matsumoto
- Yuki Shitara
- Yukinari Arima
- Yuri Kakiuchi
- Yuto Kusumi